This issue brief provides aggregate data on selected outcome measures relating to positive youth development.n
PbS Perspective July 2015
PbS Perspective July 2015 provides a snapshot of data from the April 2015 collection in
What Youths, Staff and Families Say about Community-based Programs
This issue brief explores the perceptions of youths, staff and families regarding community-based programs including
The Impact of Family Involvement on Youths’ Success
Research by Caitlin Cavanagh on the impact of family on youths’ educational success and reentry
PbS Perspective January 2015
PbS Perspective January 2015 provides a snapshot of data from the October 2014 collection in
First Step to Integrate Trauma-Informed Care
Updated Dec. 3, 2014. PbS and its partners launched an initiative to integrate trauma-informed care
Staff Perceptions
This issue brief explores the importance of staff perceptions and staff-youth relationships; staff provide another
Family-Youth Initiative
This research brief focuses on the importance of family engagement in youths’ experience in the
What Youths Say Matters
Research has shown that when youths have a generally positive experience in a facility, they
Mapping Performance-based Standards and Civil Rights Investigations
This research brief summarizes an analysis of the Performance-based Standards (PbS) standards, expected practices and