Successfully Creating Real Second Chances

In addition to COVID-19 challenges youths are facing hardships that were revealed on this panel. On Oct. 27, PbS hosted a panel of people with experience in re-entry from a juvenile facility to the community. “Creating Real Second Chances,” was a tremendous success. A special thanks to our panel of youths who received financial support from the PbS Education and Employment Foundation and a family member with experience supporting her child’s reentry. They were able to share their stories, highlighting the importance of the PbS Reentry Award, an award that assists youths financially so they do not have to go without necessities.nAfter hearing from our inspiring panelists, it is obvious each youth and family, system involved, have the need for financial support for clothing and shoes that they so quickly grow out of and other necessities found at their local department stores, so they can focus their funds on housing and other needs that are higher priority. Our panelists mentioned how leaving a facility and returning home can be frustrating when unexpected traumas and lack of ability to connect in relationships is apparent. Traumas can include lack of food security and support systems, mental health needs not being met and needing to relearn your own family members and friends. These traumas affect the youth and their entire experience. For many youths, reality is being away from the community for years or being in and out of facilities so many times they loose count so relearning how to interact in the community and gaining a support system are key factors to youths success.nThis virtual fundraiser was an amazing opportunity to teach attendees that youths need assistance and real reentry plans designed for individual success. The PbS Education and Employment Foundation raised over $700 during the event and counting. These funds will help support a second round of reentry awards.nThank you to all of the attendees who made this event a success, the donors for their generous contributions and the panelists for taking the time to educate the public on this very important topic. Special thanks to 4imprint for donating PbS Education and Employment Foundation masks to be sent to all attendees!

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