Marsha Levick: Demand a Seat at the Table

A staunch advocate for children’s and women’s rights, Marsha has launched legal challenges all the

Christine Blessinger: Lessening the Challenges Through Education

Deputy Commissioner of Re-entry and Youth ServicesnnThroughout the past 20 years Christine has worked for the

Gina Vincent: Strive for Progress, not Perfection

Sometimes the road you’re walking on is not the one you want to be on.

Tracy Dompeling: Learning Through Listening

Director, Alaska Division of Juvenile JusticennIf anyone understands the importance of listening to create change, it’s

Valerie Boykin: From Funeral Parlors to the Juvenile Justice Courts

Director, Virginia Department of Juvenile JusticennFrom funeral parlors to the juvenile justice courts, Valerie is

Lisa Bjergaard: Owning Your Integrity

Lisa Bjergaard is pointed to as the longest serving current director of a state juvenile

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