Family Visitation, Behavioral Incidents, and Staff Safety Concerns in Juvenile Correctional Facilities

Performance-based Standards (PbS) recently published a research brief written by Jennifer Woolard, PhD and Alyssa Mikytuck, MPP, of Georgetown University’s Department of Psychology, finding an inverse relationship between family visitation and behavioral infractions.nThe brief, “Family Visitation, Behavioral Incidents, and Staff Safety Concerns in Juvenile Correctional Facilities,” details the researchers’ work analyzing PbS’ administrative, incident and staff survey data from 2011 through 2016.nPbS invites researchers to use PbS data to help the field better understand and assess practices used in residential facilities and programs. PbS can provide de-identified aggregated data for correction, detention, assessment and community-based programs. Additional information including an application and instructions to access the data is available on the PbS website here.n Family Visitation, Behavioral Incidents, and Staff Safety Concerns in Juvenile Correctional Facilities

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