Caretakers are Losing Jobs

In order to get by in the world, having money coming in is a must. All 2020 Reentry Award applicants mentioned money being difficult to come across. Stress levels and priorities in a household shift when there is a lack of or serious worry about having enough money. Many young people witness the challenging decision whether to pay rent or to buy groceries when they reenter their homes. Positive Youth Development (PYD) is no longer the main priority the way it is in a facility or community program. Work is.nEach applicant mentioned money as a resource they lacked. Two youth essays indicated the caretaker that they were going home to had lost their job due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Besides job loss and difficulty finding work, other youth applicants mentioned their families were living paycheck to paycheck and anything would be helpful. Applicants also mentioned absentee parents and expecting to take on a lot of responsibility in caring for siblings and even using the award to purchase clothing for the younger siblings in need of items without holes.nThe youths we serve thrive even in times of hardship. All are worthy of this award and thanks to the PbS Education and Employment Foundation and its generous donors, all who applied are recipients.

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