- Preferred Name, Title, and How Many Years You’ve Worked with CIYJ? Mike Both, Human Services Analyst, 12 years.
- What is the most challenging aspect of your role? What aspect is the most rewarding? The most rewarding aspect is seeing our sites’ hard work in data collection and FIP development pay off. I really like it when they are able to see how their teamwork and perseverance pays off with improved outcomes. The field of juvenile justice is often highlighted in a negative way. Our staff works hard to improve the lives of the residents that they work with. Being able to measure that improvement helps remind them of the good work they are doing. Each area that a site improves in increases the quality of care that they provide to the residents.
- Looking back over the past two decades, what do you consider to be CIYJ’s most impactful contributions to youth justice? The most impactful contribution by CIYJ has been its continued work to improve conditions for youth in the juvenile justice system. CIYJ has helped facilities across the nation to make improvements in all aspects of juvenile justice. From intake to reintegration, CIYJ has worked diligently to ensure its sites are guided by best practices and provided a Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) model that can help them achieve the successes that they desire—ultimately improving the lives of the youth that are involved in the juvenile justice system.
- Can you share a particularly poignant success story, milestone, or impactful moment that CIYJ has achieved during your tenure with us? In addition to CQI, CIYJ has provided several meaningful scholarships to youth and staff in juvenile justice. The scholarships, employment matching awards and reentry awards provided to youth have allowed them to achieve success in higher education as well as helped them purchase basic necessities to bridge a gap when returning to the community. The staff scholarships help support professional development for the people who are directly involved in guiding youth in the juvenile justice system.
- What message would you like to convey to our supporters, partners, and advocates as CIYJ celebrates this significant anniversary? Continue to support and recognize the important work being done day in and day out in juvenile justice. While working in juvenile justice is one of the most difficult jobs, it also has the potential to improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in our communities.
- What inspired you to pursue a career dedicated to youth justice? I have always been drawn to helping others. It’s something that I learned early in life from my family. When the opportunity arose for me to work with kids presented itself, I jumped at the opportunity. A short 27 years later, I’m glad that I was able to be a positive impact in young people’s lives.