- Preferred Name, Title, and How Many Years You’ve Worked with CIYJ? Keith Hasan-Towery, 9 years.
- What is the most challenging aspect of your role? What aspect is the most rewarding? Balancing creativity with federal regulations. Working with organizations that are making a real difference in the Juvenile Justice System. I have been removed from being able to see the individual impact so far, so I really enjoy it when I am able to see the individual impact, do site visits and talk with program recipients.
- Looking back over the past two decades, what do you consider to be CIYJ’s most impactful contributions to the youth justice space? Making data accessible and understandable.
- Can you share a particularly poignant success story, milestone, or impactful moment that CIYJ has achieved during your tenure with us? The collection of data withing facilities allows us to have an insight into the needs of detention facilitates. This has helped us design solicitations and attract organizations that would not have traditionally applied for our funding. CIYJ makes our solicitations credible with the knowledge they have shared with OJJDP.
- What message would you like to convey to our supporters, partners, and advocates as CIYJ celebrates this significant anniversary? Congrats on 20 years of excellence! I can’t wait to reflect and celebrate with again at 40.
- What inspired you to pursue a career dedicated to youth justice? I am from South Central Los Angeles, where many friends entered the juvenile justice system. It makes me feel connected to my community to be able to share great programming throughout the nation to help kids receives programming that addresses their unique challenges.