Katie Withers – Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections

1. Preferred Name, Title, and How Many Years You’ve Worked with CIYJ? Katie Withers, Regional Quality Improvement Specialist and PbS Site Coordinator with the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections.  I have had the role as PbS Site Coordinator for 10 years. 

2. What aspect is the most rewarding aspect of your role? The most rewarding aspect of my role is the opportunity to positively influence the lives of young people and drive impactful, meaningful change.  Being in a position to contribute to their development and witnessing the tangible outcomes of our efforts is truly rewarding. 

3. Looking back over the past two decades, what do you consider to be CIYJ’s most impactful contributions to the youth justice space? CIYJ has committed substantial resources to help improve the conditions of confinement in facilities across the county. This commitment includes equipping facilities with the tools, resources, and support needed to track outcomes affecting these youth and to develop improvement plans based on the collected data. The comprehensive database established by CIYJ has been pivotal in advancing reform within the juvenile justice system, enhancing safety, and improving programming at facilities nationwide. 

4. Can you share a particularly poignant success story, milestone, or impactful moment that CIYJ has achieved during your tenure with us? JCC St. Anthony, a facility within our agency, utilized PbS data to identify the need for a shift towards a more individualized approach for certain youths, initiating a significant cultural change. By employing the Facility Improvement Plan process, the facility was able to identify the core issues and their impact on outcomes, devise strategic action steps, secure staff engagement, and monitor the effectiveness of the improvement plan. This methodology enabled the facility to transition from a one-size-fits-all behavioral management program to one that was tailored to the specific needs of the juveniles. Coach Russ Jennings was instrumental in facilitating this change, and the sustained success of this cultural shift continues to be demonstrated. 

5. What message would you like to convey to our supporters, partners, and advocates as CIYJ celebrates this significant anniversary? PbS provides crucial knowledge for improving organizational effectiveness with the goal of improving conditions of confinement for youth in the juvenile justice system. Systematic data collection and analysis can help identify hidden issues, guide informed decision-making, and highlight areas of success that warrant staff recognition.  PbS provides the tools and assistance to easily track trends over time, which enables meaningful changes and adjustments. Additionally, detailed data offers leaders an overview of operations and allows for comparisons with other facilities nationwide.  Having that information readily available is an invaluable resource for agencies. 

6. What inspired you to pursue a career dedicated to youth justice? Upon completing my college education, I initially entered the juvenile justice field as a direct care staff member, intending it as a temporary role while I explored other career opportunities. However, within the first few weeks, I recognized the profound impact that professionals in this field have on youth and their families. This realization ignited a deep commitment to the field, and I decided to pursue it as my long-term career.  Over the past 13 ½ years, I have dedicated myself to learning from esteemed colleagues, staying connected with the needs of the population we serve, and striving to improve conditions of confinement in our agency. My passion for facilitating a bright future for youth through the rehabilitative process in juvenile justice has only grown stronger. I have found that a passion for this industry, is not simply taught, but truly gained through experience and dedication. 

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