- Preferred Name, Title, and How Many Years You’ve Worked with CIYJ? Jessica Moncada, Quality Improvement Director, I have worked with the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections for over 17 years, and with CIYJ over 14 of those years.
- What is the most challenging aspect of your role? What aspect is the most rewarding? Some of the most rewarding aspects of what I do are: Leading initiatives that improve the overall quality and effectiveness of the department, contributing to systemic changes that benefit the youth in our care. The ability to track and measure the success of our initiatives through data and feedback, providing a clear sense of accomplishment and areas for further improvement. Seeing the tangible improvements in the lives of the youth we serve and knowing that this important work helps provide them with better opportunities for rehabilitation and success. Looking back over the past two decades, what do you consider to be CIYJ’s most impactful contributions to the youth justice space?
- Looking back over the past two decades, what do you consider to be CIYJ’s most impactful contributions to the youth justice space? One of the most notable impacts CIYJ has made during my involvement is advocating for reforms in youth justice policies to ensure they are more aligned with the needs of the youth in the system and emphasize rehabilitation over punishment. One fundamental truth in this business is that youth who do not have their basic needs met, or do not feel safe, will not “program” well. CIYJ gives us the data necessary to ensure these needs are met, to guide youth through treatment successfully, and to elevate their chances at an improved future.
- What inspired you to pursue a career dedicated to youth justice? I was inspired to pursue a career in youth justice by a strong desire to make a positive impact on the lives of young people. I will never tire from witnessing the difference that effective interventions and support systems can make in navigating young individuals away from a life of crime and towards a productive future.