Steps for Real Second Chances

The Center for Improving Youth Justice hosts an annual challenge. We hope to raise awareness and funds to support justice-involved young people while promoting healthy habits. Steps for Real Second Chances supports our mission to provide resources to justice-involved young people looking for a second chance.

Learn More

Discover more about the goals, importance, and impact of Steps for Real Second Chances.

One, Two, Step!

To participate in this cause, click here to register you or your team.

Track Your Steps

Upload your or your teams' steps tracker forms.

Involve your Staff

Help young people overcome the barriers they face in the reentry process by raising awareness and funds that will go directly to giving them assistance and access to education, employment and basic human necessities.


People Involved


Steps Walked


Miles Walked

Donation Options Available

Your donation will be used to fund various projects and activities aimed at making a positive impact in our community.

We offer two convenient donation options to support our cause:

Who can participate in this challenge?
Family, friends, anyone can participate in this challenge. Share our cause with your communities using #StepsforRealSecondChances.
How long is the challenge?
Steps for Real Second Chances starts April 1st and lasts the whole month.
How do I log my steps?
You can log your steps using apps and submit your teams' steps in the tracker form.
Are there any costs associated with participation?
It is completely free to participate in the challenge. Donations are optional but greatly appreciated.

Have a question? Get in touch!

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