Melissa Sickmund


Melissa Sickmund served as Director of the National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ) from 2012-2023. Dr. Sickmund’s work at NCJJ started in 1986 and had the goal of improving juvenile justice statistical information and facilitating the use of data to support decision-making at the national and local levels. Dr. Sickmund oversaw NCJJ’s work on several national data efforts including: National Juvenile Court Data Archive, NCJJ’s longest running project; Juvenile Justice Model Data Project, NCJJ’s newest project; National Juvenile Justice Data Analysis Program and its online Statistical Briefing Book; Juvenile Justice GPS (Geography, Policy, Practice and Statistics) website; Multi-state Study of Subsequent Offending; Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement; Juvenile Residential Facility Census; and the Survey of Juveniles Charged as Adults in Criminal Court. Dr. Sickmund is best known for the Juvenile Offenders and Victims publication series, a product of the National Juvenile Justice Data Analysis Program.

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