Bars to Brilliance
Every young person deserves the chance to thrive, regardless of their circumstances. Discover how CIYJ creates lasting change by driving systemic reform, fostering hope through education and mentorship and removing barriers to successful reentry. Learn how you can be a part of this transformative work!
Our scholarships go deeper than tuition – mentorship and personalized support for things like housing. Read how CIYJ helped Dalton transition to college.

Employment Matching
Through our Employment Matching Awards, we’ve doubled 106 young people’s earnings while they’ve been incarcerated. Help us reach 500 youth.

Kids Got Talent
Maurice went from detention to being on American Idol because he had opportunities to show his talent. Read about him and our Kids Got Talent.

Second Chance Stories: A Youth Justice Action Month Panel
Uplifting young people's voices and shedding light on their experiences inspires our supporters and advances CIYJ's mission. These events, where we hear first-hand accounts, underscore the importance of second chances and the resilience of justice-involved young people.
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" Coming to prison makes me want to be a lawyer more. I know there’s a lot of opportunities out there and it’s up to me to want them. I will keep chasing my dreams. "
- Shanteyja, Aspiring Attorney, 2024 J. Russ Russell Scholarship Recipient and Employment Matching Award Winner.Reentry Award
Since 2022, we’ve provided 62 young people with living necessities such as sheets, clothes, shoes, groceries and more. These Reentry Awards help young people ease their transition from incarceration into their communities. With your help, we can triple this number.
" This award will allow me to focus more directly on my goals, rather than the amount these goals will cost. "
- Kameron, Future Welder, Employment Matching Award WinnerChanging Systems
We work directly with young people but that's not enough. One of our 2024 Barbara-Allen Hagen Award Winner, Johnson County created a family program that one parent said “should go viral.” Read how we helped the system change.
Hear Stephen’s story and learn about how our J. Russ Russell Scholarship changed his life
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