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Correction Facilities
A correctional facility is a training school, treatment, and/or residential institution/program for juvenile offenders committed by the court to the care and custody of an agency for a determinate period.
Detention Centers
Juvenile detention facilities are a temporary and safe custody for juveniles who are accused of conduct subject to the agency of the court who require a restricted environment for their own or the community’s protection while pending legal action.
Assessment Centers
Juvenile assessment facilities serve both pre- and post-adjudicated youths and conduct diagnostic and assessment tests in order to determine the most appropriate placement, services, and/or treatment program(s) to best meet the juvenile offender’s needs.
Community Residential
For residential facilities or programs that keep youths participating in the community such as group homes, ranch/wilderness camps and shelters.
Community Supervision
For programs that provide for the supervision of youths in their local community either in place of or following residential treatment, such as: probation and parole.