Collect Better Feedback
Monitor Critical Incidents

Measure Impact
What Data Is Collected?
This form provides both general and specific information about each facility. Questions range from numbers of youths and staff to types of assessments as well as the number of facility programs using volunteers. Data should be collected starting at the beginning of the data collection. The Administrative Form is completed in April and October.
Each site is required to obtain and enter information for 30 randomly selected youths or more who have been released from the facility during the current data collection period. If less than 30 are released during the data collection month, you will need to go back month by month until 30 have been collected, or until you reach the start of the data collection period (May 1 or Nov. 1). Information is reported on screenings, assessments, treatment plans, and language-appropriate documents for non-English speaking youths as well as preparation for reintegration into the community. (Reintegration sections of the form are for correction facilities only.) For the April collection, surveys can be entered online starting December 1 for releases from November 1 through April 30. For the October collection, surveys can be entered online starting June 1 for releases from May 1 through October 31..
Each facility completes an incident report for any event or crisis that may compromise the security of the facility or safety of staff or participants. Type of data collected on incident reports includes type of incident, number of youths and staff involved, and restraints, injuries, and isolation details.
The PbS Youth Climate Survey has been a part of PbS since the first data collection in 1998. The 52 survey questions include questions posed and validated national Survey of Youths in Residential Placement (SYRP) and Pathways to Desistance Study. The questions ask for youths’ opinions of conditions, perceptions of safety, understanding their rights, access and quality of medical and behavior health services, school and preparation for reentry, youth-staff relationships and connection with families and communities.
Sites are required to administer surveys to 30 randomly selected direct care staff or more that are currently employed by the facility during the data collection month (see PbS Glossary for definition of “direct care”). The same guidelines for administering surveys to youths pertain to staff members. Staff will respond to some of the same questions as youths as well as perceptions of how effective various systems are in treating youths and what types of training they believe would improve effectiveness at your facility. Staff Climate Surveys are collected in April and October.
Correction facilities are asked to interview a family member of every youth released from the facility, either to the community or to a lower security facility. The survey is collected on an ongoing year round basis similar to the Youth Reentry Survey. It is designed to solicit information on the experience of the families with the facility and to help make changes. For the April collection, surveys can be entered starting December 1 for releases from November 1 through April 30. For the October collection, surveys can be entered starting June 1 for releases from May 1 through October 31.
Detention and assessment facilities are asked to interview family members and social supports who visit youths during the data collection months only. The visiting family member or social support can complete the survey more than once if he/she visits more than once. The purpose of the survey is to gain insight into the family’s orientation to the facility, visiting and contact with their child and discharge preparations.
All facilities are asked to interview each youth released since the last data collection. Youths are asked to provide information on how prepared they feel to return to the community based on services received at the facility. For PbS Correction sites: April collection surveys can be entered starting December 1 for releases from November 1 through April 30 and for the October collection, surveys can be entered starting June 1 for releases from May 1 through October 31. For PbS Detention and Assessment sites, pilot starting in April 2020: Youth Reentry Surveys are collected only in April and October.
Unit Log
In secure facilities, this form should be completed for each living unit in your facility. Activities reported should reflect what the majority of the youths on the unit are participating in. To complete the form, collect and track daily hours minimally for seven consecutive days during the data collection period. Tracking hours for the entire data collection month is preferred. Unit Logs are collected in April and October.
PbS Behavior Management Profile
For community-residential programs, the PbS Behavior Management Profile details response practices to youths behavior.
Staff Trauma Survey
Following any staff training in trauma-informed care.